American Apparel searching for transgender stars

A few days ago American Apparel posted an advert on their instagram calling out for new models. For a company which has always created (often provocative) campaigns using amateur talent, it wasn’t such a surprise. This time they were looking for fresh new modeling talent from the transgender community – « Ages 16 and up. No experience necessary ». The brand then went on to hold a two-hour model call in New York City at their Chelsea store on 181 8th Avenue the same day.
The company has a long history supporting LGBT causes, from the ‘Legalize Gay’ line of t-shirts, to their previous use of transsexual model (and former « America’s Next Top Model » contestant) Isis King in a campaign spread.
And there’s a growing history of transgender fashion stars, from current Givenchy muse Lea T, all the way back to former Bond Girl and Vogue and Harper’s Bazaar model Caroline Cossey who in 1989 fought a campaign at the European Court of Human Rights to be recognized as a woman.