Autumn-Winter 2014/15 – On the sweeter side Gucci made an appearance with pastels, patents and pouts.
Following on from the trends of baker boys in London from the 1940’s, Gucci brings traditional to a whole new stand; fitted trousers, short woolen jackets and brogues all with a colourful theme.
There is a definitive indie aura based around the leather jackets teamed with the ankle length trousers; sweaters over the top of shirts with metallic trousers mix geek with chic.
The pale pastel colours embrace the last of the summer season before the fall begins, the tan tones incorporating the light blue shirts portraying an essence of the blue steel.
Clashes of hemlines in the jackets break up the outfit, drawing attention to the key item of the range.
[sublimevideo poster=”” src1=”/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Man-Catwalk-Yourself-Aw14-Gucci-50-1.mp4″ width=”” height=””]