East Coast Preppy Style: What you need to know to look good in it
The Preppy style was born in the early 1900s. It was worn by America’s East Coast elite and came from the Ivy League. Students from Harvard, Yale, Princeton and other
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5 Tips For Managing Frizzy Hair
One of the most frequent hair problems most women face is managing frizzy hair. Everyone has been through that struggle of seeing themselves in the mirror with hair looking like
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Top 7 Accessories That You Can Add To Your Outfit
What is a perfect outfit? Ideally, it should be detailed and reflect your unique personal style. You can achieve that effect with ease if you can choose the right accessories
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Best Hats To Wear This Spring 2021
When spring comes around, things start to get warmer and that means less layering and more style. However, not many people will usually feel confident enough to rock a hat
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Stone Island: What Fashion Trends To Follow For Men This Summer?
Just like women’s trends, men’s fashion trends are also changing day by day. Designers are working hard to bring evolution to the fashion industry. There are a lot of things
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