Sex and the City 2 (2010)

Copyright © 2010 Warner Bros
Sex and the City 2 was much like the first in that the fashion was outrageously celebrated. Patricia Field, the costume designer said “People always ask me , How are you going to outdo yourself next?” Because people are expecting and anticipating. But really, that is not my reality at all. If I had some kind of consciousness of other people’s expectations, it would freeze me up and make me miserable and not allow me to be creative and have fun with it.” Although both films were critisied for being shallow and absurd, the sense of fun was the catalyst for number two and it never lost its magic. We wanted to follow these girls on this adventure, we wanted to follow them in their decisions and most of all, we wanted to follow their fashion. It was decadent, indulgent and unrealistic. A perfect escape from a financially frugal time, and ultimately the creators’ goal.