Roman Holiday (1953)

Copyright © 1954 Paramount Pictures
Roman Holiday was nominated for and won an academy award, not only for Audrey Hepburn’s portrayal of crown Princess Ann but also for best costume designed by Edith Head. This was one of her eight academy awards for best costume from 35 nominations across her career.
Audrey Hepburn’s wardrobe is one fashion houses and high streets revisit every spring in some vein or another. In a scene in which she is discussing her hate for the things she is pushed to wear as a princess, we see her desire for something more carefree and unrestrictive.
Princess Ann: “I hate this nightgown. I hate all my nightgowns, and I hate all my underwear too”.
Countess: “My dear, you have lovely things”.
Princess Ann: “But I’m not two hundred years old”.
Her younger fashion while on her roman holiday symbolises the type of person she is trying to be and so she sheds her formal evening wear and royal attire in favour of a more comfortable yet still very sophisticated style of full skirts blouses and sandals with silk neck ties and head scarves, perfect for a Roman Holiday.