Blog Archives

The Hunger Games Series (2012-2015)

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The Hunger Games fashion influence is significant, as the series, directed by Gary Ross and Francis Lawrence, brought a dystopian world to life, leaving a lasting impression on fashion and
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A Practical Must-Have: Why Everyone Should Keep a Tote Bag by Their Side

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Picture this: You’re out and about running errands or exploring the city when suddenly you find yourself in need of an extra hand. Maybe it’s a spontaneous shopping spree, unexpectedly
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Moulin Rouge (2001)

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Moulin Rouge was undoubtedly a feast for sartorialists and designers everywhere. Catherin Martin and Angus Strathie created a vision of celebration and pageantry in their portrayal of this dark fairytale,
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Working Girl (1988)

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Making a role model of a character in a film is a sure fire way to get set trends. Melanie Griffith plays Tess McGill in working girl, a secretary whose
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The Untouchables (1987)

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Films have long since been credited for helping designers become household names. Suit guru Armani was no different. Having provided the wardrobe for many films including The Untouchables, he transformed
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