Pretty woman showed us that popular culture can make anything fashionable. A controversial subject matter about a prostitute being accidentally picked up by a wealthy businessman looking for directions, it
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This fantasy romance did not drum much popularity at the time of release, but over the years has accrued a cult following to become a classic of the Eighties. The
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The 1980s was a decade mainly about cliques and social class divides. The reflection of this in fashion and film was not subtle and Heathers was no different. A black
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One of Tim Burton’s earlier films, and in true Burton style, Beetlejuice is visually both disturbing and beautiful. The plot of the film lends itself to the style of wardrobe,
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The theme that “greed is good” in this movie is very clearly reflected in the styles of the characters. The slicked back hair and red braces worn with impeccably tailored
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