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   Quilted describes a thickening of a garment. Often stitched into a geometric pattern, it traps a stuffing or padding in between two layers of fabric. This is known to
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  A pulled look often means to wear clothing which has the appearance of being distressed or to have pulled away from the fabric. The garments may look worn already,
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   Puffy is a description of which means to describe a silhouette that appears bigger, almost as if the garment were filled with air and can disproportion some areas. A
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   Pleated is a garment that beholds strategically placed folds within it where the fabric has been doubled and stitched or pressed in place. There are 11 types of pleat
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   One-piece is a garment which is all in one piece rather than two pieces. Such garments designed in this format are swimsuits, dresses (as it is only one piece)
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