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Straight patterns can be very similar to striped patterns. The different between the two is that sometimes instead of blocks of colour, horizontal or vertical motifs can be repeated throughout
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Straight Across Repeat

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Straight across repeat pattern is a pattern whereby the motif used is repeated either directly horizontally or vertically. It is not off-set at all. The motif that is used can
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Stripe fabric is made up of different bands of different colours. These can be thick or thin and can be a uniform thickness throughout or vary in thickness down the
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Stripe patterns are created by colour weaving pieces of fabric. These are made by either changing the colours of the warp or weft yarns depending with way the stripes will
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Stylised patterns are usually natural, floral or art nouveau pattern. They are created by taking realistic motifs and making them more exaggerated and complex. This is usually done by adding
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