Blog Archives

Pop Art

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Pop Art is a form of Art that was extremely popular in the 1950’s. It uses bright colours, cartoon imagery, speech bubbles, dots and strong black lines to create interesting
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Primitive Art

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Primitive art is a form of non-western, often tribal art from parts of the world such as Africa. It is often ceremonial or religious in nature and used earthy natural
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Quatrefoil is Latin for ‘Four leaves.’ The shape is very popular in art, architecture and Christian symbolism and is quite similar to a clover shape. This shape is then repeated
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Random patterns are just as they appear. They are patterns that have no definite repeat. The pattern itself is made from motifs or geometric shapes that have no set rotation,
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A recall pattern is a pattern made up of similar motifs repeated throughout the fabric. These motifs can be changed in terms of colour, scale and repeat or they can
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