Blog Archives

One Way Layout

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One way Layout pattern is a pattern where all the motifs or designs are all orientated in the same way, meaning that the all face the same direction. These patterns
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Optical Art

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Optical Art is the visual art of making optical illusions. These are done in many ways to give the impression of movement, hidden images or patterns or warping. The most
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Organic patterns are basically the opposite of geometric patterns. They utilise curved, flowing lines, leaves and flowers to create a less linear and structured pattern. It is still repeated and
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Overall patterns are patterns that are repeated throughout the entire piece of fabric. There are many types of overall pattern. These include non-directional, one-directional, packed, tossed and set patterns. The
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Packed patterns are patterns where the individual motifs are packed so closely together that the background cannot be seen through. The motifs can range from anything from geometric to floral
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