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Caricatures have been a style of art for centuries and are still popularly used in modern newspapers, cartoons and by artists at events. It is a popular style of art
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Action Painting

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After World War II many artists were frustrated by the restrictions of the war and wanted to paint freely and expressively. Many art movements came after the war for this
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Ecole de Paris

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Ecole de Paris – The School of Paris is not an art movement or style but instead marks the significance of Paris as the centre of modern art. Many artists
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The Bauhaus was a school of art, founded by Walter Gropius in 1919 in Germany. The first half of the twentieth century saw Germany as the centre for war and
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Appropriation is a popular modern art style which is formed around borrowing and re-working objects from every-day objects and pieces of art to create a new meaning from the original
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