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De Stijl

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This Dutch group of artists were named after a Dutch magazine of aesthetics and art theory founded by Theo van Doesburg in 1917. Doesburg experimented with many different types of
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Happenings were essentially performance of art, which involved sensations of touch, sounds, time-durations, gestures and even smells. The audience are not given a plot or characters in Happenings which differentiates
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Assemblage as an art form is related to Collage and Cubism in that they all assemble objects in a three-dimensional manner in order for new perspectives to be shown. Any
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Arte Povera

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The 1970’s saw the rise of Arte Povera in Europe. The Arte Povera artists were focused on using what they thought were ‘poor’ materials, leading to pieces which were quite
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Fluxus is an avant-garde art movement which was popular in the 1960s; it is unique from other movements of the time as it was inspired by music from the 1950’s
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