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The Lord Lagerfeld had a rendezvous with Bombay as he carried Paris to India in his Chanel 2012 S/S collection. The influence stems from an aim to architect concepts between the regal and ornate cultures within the expanding destination of the Middle East.

Adhering to a strict Chanel script, the show maintained a strong English image throughout the fluxes of elaborate jewels and indigenous, heavy body pieces. Silver and gold laden, the collection demanded an acute awareness of detail and of Indian heritage as every Chanel piece of cream and pearl was garnished with rich embroidery, fur, and weighted finishing touches from metals to makeup. The catwalk was hosted by the Chanel landmark Grand Palais in Paris, transformed into a Maharaja palace, adorned with crystals and chandeliers marking the stage of an exclusive banquet.

Affluent and majestic the grandeur of this spectacular was further captured through traces of the 1900s era from  references to former Indian Vice-Queen Lady Curzon as well as to Queen Alexandra of England. From the arrangement of decor to ankle length gowns, brilliant saris and raised necklines were also indicative of the early 20th Century.

[sublimevideo poster=”” src1=”/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Catwalk-Yourself-Karllagerfeld-1.mp4″ width=”” height=””]

As media reproductions of the event, Paris Bombay Métiers d’Art, may wane the splendor of the live experience, the level of richness with  Karl Lagerfeld for this Chanel 2012 S/S presentation proves otherwise, embodying what transpires to an oversized treasure chest of distinct silks and motifs sewn into fresh patterns on the international fashion map.

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Written by Angela Gleason

Angela Gleason, graduated in Advertising from San Francisco's Academy of Art University, she rocks the international world on creative fronts as a dedicated slash girl: visual designer / soundsavant / writer / glam lush, for the story beyond the surface. Angela looks after the Catwalk Yourself blog.

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