Author Archives: coreAdmin

4 Benefits Of Self Affirmations

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Self-affirmations are statements that you make regarding your ability or level of success in a given endeavor. The principle of self-affirmations deals with the idea that people tend to evaluate
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4 Tips to Become Your Own Fashion Icon and Start Designing

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Whether you’re designing for yourself, or you’ve been wanting to start your clothing brand, there are skills that you should develop first if you want to become a designer. While
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How Will Pantone’s 2021 Colours Affect 2021 Trends?

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Pantone has long been hailed as the colour expert in the world of design and their ‘Color of the Year’ is a highly anticipated decision that affects everything from graphic design to haute
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How To Accomplish Iconic Hairstyles From Decades Past

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Your hair is your crowning glory. Fixing it up can change how you look. There are different things you can do to fix your hair, depending on your mood. You
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Top Ways to Make Money Without Leaving Home

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The ongoing pandemic has made a lot of people stay at home and change their work arrangements. The switch from regular office hours to a remote job has its benefits.
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